The police have wide discretion in how they investigate reports
If the police refuse to investigate your report or shut it down without adequate cause, you can always appeal their
decision through a process called Praperadilan or "PreTrial".
It sounds hopeful and fair. If you complain to the police that your case was not properly investigated, they will always suggest you appeal the
decision through Praperadilan.
But your chances of getting a fair hearing are slim. I will make an experienced guess that 99 percent of cases brought to Praperadilan
as an appeal for reopening a closed investigation—called an “SP3” in police–talk—will be
ruled properly closed in a Praperadilan hearing.
Again this is related to typical vagueness in the Indonesian law codes, and it works like this:
Praperdilan is covered by XXX of the KUHAP (Regulations for Criminal Law Procedures) which states that
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