Officers of Law

Officers of the Law


Government officials, notaries, lawyers, police, prosecutors, judges, and court officers are all considered officers legally sworn to uphold the law (yes, even lawyers, it’s part of their oath), and they are the point of contact between the public and the institutions of law.

As with the framework earlier when we looked at Formal Law, Applied Law, and Your Law, we can look at these offices with a Formal Description of their functions, an Applied Description of how they function in practice, and Your Description of how they might function in your case.

We will look at each of these groups separately:

  • Officials of the government bureacracies responsible for issuing and keeping official documents, including the private office of notaris responsible for witnessing contracts;
  • Law offices and lawyers who advise and represent clients in both civil and criminal matters;
  • Police and Prosecutors responsible for investigating crimes and bringing them to trial;
  • The courts responsible for issuing decisions in civil and criminal trials.


The Asean Law Association publishes an excellent English language overview of the Indonesian legal system, including some discussion of actual as compared to theoretical workings of the system, on their website at , also available here:


    Table of Contents

    I. Constitution

    II. Legal System

    III. Judicial System

    IV. Legal Profession and Education

    V. Alternative Dispute Resolution

    VI. Business Law